If you are working in an area where Infection Control have advised for all staff to have a PCR swab then please use the 'Outbreak Swabbing' link below. This swab is to be taken in your clinical area in line with the swabbing guidance below.
You can book for a self-swab to be taken in your clinical area.
You will need to print the swab confirmation page at the end of the booking process and enter the date and time of when you have taken the swab on the print-out.
Complete the vial label fully by writing the ST number from your booking, your name, date of birth, date and time of swab on the vial label and then proceed with taking your swab. Place in a bag then seal.
Add your printed form and the bagged swab into another bag and seal. This can then go to the lab for processing and results will be sent to the email address and the mobile numbers in the booking request. Please ensure you check you have added your outbreak lead name in the Line Manager field so they can access your results when they are available.
If you have not had a request to do this by Infection Control and are not part of an outbreak ward then your swab may not be processed.
Specimen Collection Instruction for Viral culture (1).doc
For queries and support please contact mtw-tr.covidtesting@nhs.net or 01622 939534
Please note; if you are found to be COVID positive, it will be necessary to share this information with a limited number of managers (including Occupational Health and Infection Prevention & Control) within your organisation in order to comply with track and trace procedures and to maintain patient safety. Reporting the test results is a statutory requirement, but is also very important for staff surveillance purposes and in understanding infection rates in hospitals, including the effectiveness of PPE.